Some Exciting News

Hi everyone who follows my blog i have had the great fortune of being interviewed for a Masterclass Blog about two weeks ago where I get to share my passion and what it means to me to be a Fine Art Photographer.

I would like to thank Seng Mah for the opportunity for doing this it really opened up my own in sites into my photography and where I want to take it into the future so also keep an eye out for some up and coming new ideas that i have planned.

I would also like to take this time to thank a few people who have given me some great inspiration and guidance through my life so far as a photographer i would like to thank Christian Fletcher for the inspirational landscapes that he does which have inspired me to push my own boundaries to achieve excellence in wat i do, i would like to thank Nick Rains for the way he has made me look at my post processing and the way I achieve what I do and True North Mark, Adrian Wayte and David Sobik for the help and inspiration you guys have given me and to all the people who follow my blog i would like to personally thank you all as well.

so anyway enough of the big head spiel here is the link to follow I hope you enjoy it as much as I did doing the interview and well there are some funny images of me explaining my passion and how I go about it 🙂


~ by Brett Morgan on December 21, 2011.

10 Responses to “Some Exciting News”

  1. Hey Brett,

    It was an awesome article, I really enjoyed reading it. So much so that I headed out that night and got my best photo in months, as you reminded me what it was all about.

    Great work mate. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.


    • Hi Jamie cheers mate i really enjoyed the interview something that really made me think about what its all about too eh 😉
      Hope you and the family have a great festive season and a merry christmas to you to mate.

  2. Hello Brett, thanks mate for the plug! We are here to help each other for sure. Like Jamie said we all need a push here and there! Keep it up mate.

    Have a great Christmas as well.


  3. Hey Brett, its times like those most recent that makes us turn the corner to find that golden inspiration we are always looking for. A text message or phone call are great ways to get your head clear but nothing beats getting out for a shoot and mate we have had a few of those in recent times.
    So here is to 2012, new ideas, a fresh approach and plenty of banter.
    Take care mate enjoy xmas and stay in touch when you can Regards Adrian

  4. Hi Brett! long time no see, well done mate, great article. lets still catch up some time and have that photo shot. Merry xmas

  5. Great read there Brett. You are clearly passionate about getting out and taking/making photos.
    Merry Christmas

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