Berringbooding Rock

Here is my take on the beautiful place we found yesterday on our little adventure and you can see the perspective with Mark Stothard taking a shot over in the far right she’s a good size indeed.

6 image stitch with my D3S attached is Sharlene (my 14-24mm f2.8 lens) so that should tell you how big it is to I hope you like it.

~ by Brett Morgan on July 31, 2011.

6 Responses to “Berringbooding Rock”

  1. Love this shot mate. Great tones and colours.

  2. Nice one Brett. Not so damboring after all eh? πŸ˜‰

    • Hey Charlene yeah it was a fun day indeed very long up early and home late but well worth the trip indeed we had a few good laughs along the way as well maybe next time we can organise a trip where a few more can go eh πŸ™‚

  3. Love how the D3s pulls the skies out for sure. Nice image Brett.

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